The Fagatogo Village Council held a meeting yesterday to discuss the paving of the Fagatogo malae. And it wasn’t just chiefs of the village who attended but many young people including those who have been protesting what they describe as the “desecration” of their malae.
Taeasali informed the meeting that when the fence around the Fagatogo Pavilion Rehabilitation Project came down and the extent of the paving became lnown, he had instructed the Fagatogo mayor and village police to stop the paving.
He told the meeting that the government never notified village leaders before the cement for the playcourts and parking was poured.
Several matai, including Tupuola and Samia, addressed the meeting about a possible course of action that the village could take to reclaim the malae and remove the concrete.
Questions were asked as to why the government agency which is responsible for sites on the National Register of Historic Sites had not moved to stop the cementing of the malae.
Tualima Don Fuimaono presented copies of certified documents showing that Fagatogo lands now occupied by the government no longer belong to the village and this includes the Malae-ole-Talu.
He said that $300 was paid by the government for these lands.
According to Tualima, the government had the authority to use the lands as it wished because it owns the land.
The only error he saw on the government’s part is that there was no village representative on the group that plans developments for the district.
The mother of Macy Faagata Woo Ching who initiated the protests over the playcourts and parking in front of the Fagatogo Pavilion, and Fagatogo resident Ruth Matagi Tofiga expressed their disappointment that none of the village matai stood up against the cementing of the malae or stand with the protestors.
At the end of the meeting it was decided that the council seek a meeting with Governor Lolo Moliga to discuss their concerns. And another meeting of the village council would be held Friday.
A delegation of Fagatogo matai met with the governor in his office this morning.