By 9:30 am the 7TH ASG workforce was a wrap and in addition to getting an early start on their Labor Day weekend , government employees also received their paychecks,
The program which was televised live on KVZK- TV went very fast and actually started earlier than the 7:45 starting time on the program.
Meanwhile the drive to Fagatogo took extra long and private sector employees couldn’t park at their usual parking spaces because ASG had taken over.
And when the celebration was over and the crowd and vehicles were leaving traffic in both directions were at a standstill and motorists were not pleased.
The perimeter of the Fagatogo malae was lined with tents while the VIP guests sat in the Pavilion. The paved section oft he malae was where the pass in review was staged.
In his remarks Governor Lolo Moliga said the reasons why he and the lt governor decided 7 years ago to have an ASG Workforce Day is provide an opportunity for everyone to thank God for His protection and also for leaders of the government to thank all of the workers who serve our people and territory.
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Keynote speaker Dr Iotamo Saleapaga, believed to be the first US educated and certified MD to return home and work at the LBJ Hospital, used his remarks to highlight the need for Samoan doctors.
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He also suggested that local doctors be sent to Fiji rather than the US because very few US educated doctors return home, because they can make far more money in the US after they graduate.
The names of all ASG employees and leaders who have passed away since last year’s ASG Workforce Day were read by MC Commissioner of Public Safety Lei Sonny Thompson.
They included two former senators and commissioners Galeai Moaaliitele Tuufuli and Teo Joseph Fuavai, Utu Abe Malae, who was executive director of ASPA, Ameko Pato who was Director of the American Samoa Environmental Protection Agency and former Representative Toeaina Faufano Autele.
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A list of employees of StarKist who have served 30 and more years was also read and a small contingent from the cannery marched in the parade.
There were a few bouts of tug of war on the malae and by 9:30 am after closing remarks by Senate President Gaoteote Palaie, Rev Iasepi Ulu was at the podium giving the final blessing.
Photos: Governor’s Office