A variety of repackaged food items, mainly snacks, have been confiscated by the Department of Health from local stores because they violate health and labeling regulations.
The items include M&Ms, gummy worms, cookies,, sunflower seeds, peanuts and even teas
Instead of selling the items in the state that they were bought, the retailers repackaged them into smaller units and sold them without proper labeling. This is in violation of local law on the labeling of foods and beverages.
ASCA Title 25, Chapter 6 states, all bottles, cans, packages, and other containers enclosing solid or liquid food products shall be plainly labeled or marked stating clearly the contents thereof and shall contain no marks or words which are misleading.
In addition Title 27 Chapter 6 states that any package kept for the purpose of sale or offered or exposed for sale must bear on the outside of the package a definite, plain and conspicuous declaration in English or Samoan of:the identity of the commodity in the package, the quantity of contents in terms of weight, measure, or count; and the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor, in the case of any package kept, offered, or exposed for sale, or sold in any place other than on the premises where packed.