At 5:30 this evening at the Leone CCCAS Chuch, Siona le Mauga Paia, the annual commemoration service marking the arrival of the London Missionary Society in American Samoa will be held.
History has it that on October 18, 1832, two years after John Williams established the church in Sapapālii, Savaii, the “Messenger of Peace”, (Savali o le Filemu) sailed into Fagaoatua, Leone Harbor.
As they approached the shores of Leone, it was a startling sight for the missionaries to see the native people of Leone village all lined up in white clothing, preparing to greet them.
They later learned that a Leone gentleman named Amoamo of the sā Fiū family, heard of missionaries who were in Savaii preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
He was curious and wanted to know more so he sailed to Sapapālii on his paopao (canoe) where he became a new baptized Christian.
Each month he sailed to Savaii and. brought the Holy Communion elements to his family.
When John Williams and his crew landed in Leone village on Oct. 18, 1832, the people were already Christianized and received the Gospel of Jesus.
Every year since, Leone village has faithfully celebrated this day from generation to generation.
This year’s service is at 5:30 this evening at the Mauga o Siona church and people ofLeone everywhere are invited to attend.