Google Classroom, Zoom and Hybrid Blended Learning will be part of everyday language in the new school year, not just for students and teachers but for parents as well.
Like classroom learning, parents will also have a pivotal role in virtual classrooms.
Fagaitua High School has spent the last four weeks on workshops for teachers and parents.
Staff has been going out to villages with students enrolled at Faga’itua to conduct evening workshops for parents on Hybrid Blended Learning which combines face to face or in person classes and on line instruction.
This is in preparation for the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year.
One of the coordinators of the Vikings Community Outreach Faugagana Fagaava says parents responded positively and many have been empowered with their new found knowledge from their outreach.
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Parents were advised that on the days of virtual classes, students should not be doing chores from 8:30am to 1:00pm.