Tafuna High School is the winner of the Honor Unit with Distinction award for school year 2020-2021.
The award was announced by the 8th Brigade Army JROTC.
An Honor Unit with Distinction (HUD) is one that has demonstrated exceptional performance in all areas of program operation. In order to be awarded this rating the JROTC program must score at least 90% and up to 100% on the annual Unit Report, and 95 to 100% on the JROTC Program of Accreditation.
Tafuna High School JROTC program has maintained the Honor Unit Distinction (HUD) award from 1996-present.
Each school that has a HUD JROTC program is recognized on a higher level because of this status. The Cadet Command at Fort Knox, KY will send a list of schools that have a HUD status to all colleges or universities that have a senior ROTC program. This will give all students applying for these schools extra consideration for acceptance. When a student or cadet that is from a HUD JROTC school applies for an ROTC scholarship, they will receive special consideration for enrollment.
In addition, the Senior Army Instructor for THS can recommend and provide a student from THS a nomination letter to one of the Armed Services Academies. This is equivalent to a recommendation from a Senator or Congressman. There are 35 slots reserved in each academy for students coming from a school that has a HUD. THS JROTC Army Instructors and cadets have maintained their commitment to excellence to achieve the highest JROTC unit award.
In 2016, Tafuna High School scored a 99.1 % during the first Joint Program Accreditation inspection. This is an accredited special purpose program that every JROTC program in the United States and territories must adhere to, the Advance Standards for Quality.
In 2019, Tafuna High School received a score of 98.9 % during the second JPA inspection, again competing with other programs in the US and territories.
Tafuna High School JROTC Army Instructors; MAJ Galoia (SAI), MSG Puletasi (AI), and SFC Solaita (AI) applaud the cadets and Task Force leadership for their hard work and commitment to excellence.
They have worked hard every day on collecting data, creating slides, charts, and presenting their Continuous Improvement Plan briefing and Service Learning Projects, this includes our staff areas of responsibility. All would not be possible without our Principal, Mrs Tutuila Togilau and the Tafuna High School staff and faculty for their continuous support on all JROTC events and activities.
Go Warriors!