Apia urban area lights up in Festival of Lights

The suburbs around the town of Apia were unusually quiet Friday evening as residents emptied into the central business center to witness the inaugural Festival of Lights.

Despite the threat of rain hundreds gathered to catch a glimpse of the colourful lights draped from buildings, trees and virtually anything that stood in the way.

The main Beach Road, from the iconic Vaisigano Bridge through the historical town clock all the way to the Parliament building and Justice center at Mulinuu, were open only to pedestrians.

The festival is spearheaded by the Samoa Tourism Authority (S.T.A.), in partnership with Government Ministries and agencies.

Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi spoke to launch the festival designed to bring joy and hope at these trying times of being faced with the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We have traversed through rough seas of challenges and trials that seemed endless, relating to the uncertainties the world is facing to date,” he said.

‘’Our faith in Him continues to be the stronghold of our existence, and the reason for our hope and perseverance,” Tuilaepa said.

He said the significance of lights began from the masterful creation of the universe.

‘’Darkness persisted and the world was formless and empty, and the Lord commanded ‘let there be light’ and there was light”.

Tuilaepa acknowledged the collaborative efforts of Government agencies, the private sector and business community, churches and diplomatic corps offices along the Apia City waterfront for staging such a historic and memorable event.

“I am also aware that many villages around the country, through their creativity and innovativeness, have also staged colourful exhibitions of lights. Thank you for your support in making this festival a reality. Have a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year Samoa.”

The Festival of Lights will now become an annual event.

Photos:Samoa Observer