As the Samoa Government looks to increase repatriation flights for Samoans stranded overseas, it still is not prepared to meet any COVID-19 cases that may be brought in.
The biggest hurdle they face is construction of a ‘low pressure’ hospital ward which has already been given $4milliom tālā to start building.
Samoa Observer reports the Ministry of Finance Chief Executive Officer said the project is still in the ‘’procurement process’’
Leasiosio Oscar Malielegaoi said this includes the design, planning and resourcing which includes ‘’finding a contractor and such”.
“I can confidently say there is no movement while the rest of the medical response avenues continue.”
But sourcing the material needed to build the specialized ward, which can manipulate air pressure in a hospital to prevent contagious illnesses from spreading into other parts of a building, is not the only hurdle facing the government.
“We don’t have much expertise on the matter,” he said.
The Ministry of Health (M.O.H.) Director General, Leausa Dr. Take Naseri, says the low-pressure ward will have a capacity of 80 patients and will be built where the Pediatric Ward is or further away from the outpatient.