Members of the public are appreciative of the Dept of Health crackdown on unsanitary restaurants, cafeterias, and stores that sell food.
Since January the Environmental Division of the Dept of Health has been making unannounced visits to places that sell and serve food and have closed down some well known eateries because of unclean conditions or workers without valid health cards.
One resident commented,”Thank you DOH for doing your job. If everyone would just do their job this kind of thing would not happen.”
Another offered, “Just closing them down repeatedly doesn’t work. Hit them in the pocket with monetary fines. Maybe then they will get some “act right”.
“Need to get on these restaurants or not only clean after theyre closed but remain clean!!! Yes there’s money to be made but peoples health trumps your money,” commented another customer.
Last Monday businesses that were closed by DOH were Jedi Mart in Leone, Suamalie’s Fast Food in Nu’uuli and Pritchards Bakery, Leone.