StarKist Samoa says work reduction temporary


StarKist Samoa has assured government leaders that their single shift operation is only temporary and Governor Lemanu has agreed to offer the cannery the option of the guest worker program to address the cannery’s labor shortage.

The cannery’s difficulty in retaining and finding workers was the main topic discussed at a meeting between Plant Director Jason Kim, his management team and Governor Lemanu along with Lt. Governor Talauega last week.

This is the second week that the cannery is operating at just one shift instead of two.

In response to KHJ News questions Communications Officer for the Governor Fiafia Sunia said, “Although StarKist Samoa has reduced its fish cleaning operations to accommodate the amount of workers they currently employ, they have assured the government that the reduction of their shift is only a temporary solution.”

Governor Lemanu has given assurances that ASG will do all it can to help out with issues that StarKist Samoa faces. He has also approved the Guest Worker Program as an option when StarKist needs to recruit more workers from Samoa.

Previously, ASG agreed to allow foreigners already in the territory but had expired Immigration ID’s to be hired by the cannery.

It appears, however, that there was a legal tangle with this arrangement that prevented the hiring of people in this category.

According to Communications Officer Sunia, StarKist Samoa has also pledged to keep the channels of communication open for Governor Lemanu and Lt. Governor’s Talauega’s administration. They are appreciative of the responsiveness and concern of the current administration’s support for StarKist Samoa.

The cannery management also confirmed the future of StarKist in American Samoa as they share mutual benefits for their company and the American Samoa Government.

As a token of StarKist Samoa’s appreciation, the comoany presented Governor Lemanu with an $8,000 check and 200 cases of tuna to assist ASG with repatriation efforts.