ASCC Psychology students donate to Manu’a, Aunuu, Vet Clinic


The spirit of giving is alive and well among students of the introduction to Psychology Class at the American Samoa Community College.

Each semester the students are required to engage in a community service project, as a group or individually. This semester, the three classes all opted for a class project so they could all work together on a common goal.

PSY 150 Section 1 Class chose to donate emergency supplies for the 3 elementary schools in Manu’a. Instructor Tala Ropeti Leo said, “In the beginning of this Fall Semester, we have heard of multiple reports of tremors and the earthquakes felt in Manu’a. My students thought that it would be nice to provide emergency supplies for the Manu’a students, in case of an emergency evacuation.”

Among the many supplies the students provided were flashlights, first aid kits, pillows, blankets, whistles, over the counter medicines and nonperishable food items, as well as juice and water.

The original idea was to provide emergency kits for 1 elementary school but students were so excited and committed that they ended up donating emergency supplies for all 3 schools: Faleasao Elementary, Fitiuta Elementary and Olosega Elementary.

On Wednesday, October 19th, representatives from the 3 elementary schools were present at ASCC to receive the generous donations from the students. Ms. Sabrina Molesi spoke on behalf of the 3 elementary schools to thank the students for this donation.

PSY 150 Section 2 Class chose to donate to the village of Aunuu. “It was sad to witness the homes of our people in Aunuu being flooded by the ocean, and the seawalls and sea wharf destroyed by the bad weather conditions this year,” said Rooeti-Leo. She had shared with students that this would be an ideal community service project and it was only a suggestion, but the students beamed at the idea and wanted to donate for the island.

The students raised $1030 for their project. On Thursday, 8 students and Ms. Ropeti Leo rode the boat to Aunuu to hand over their donation to the Pulenuu, Aleaga Nili, on behalf of the village.

Mayor Nili expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the students and their instructor for such a thoughtful and generous donation. It will be used to help them repair or fix the damages to their seawalls and wharf.

Finally, the PSY 150 Section 3 did a different kind of community service. The original plan was to pay for a wall mural at the Vet Clinic but that changed, because the vet clinic plans to relocate in the near future. The class then reverted to Plan B which was to pay for banners that the clinic can use when they go out for their outreaches.

The class fundraised and paid for a 48 x 96  pull up banner  and 3 x 6 banner. These banners have the Vet clinic’s new logo, as well as other useful information for outreaches.

On Wednesday, Veterinarian Dr. Barbara Kahl stopped by ASCC to meet the students and receive their gifts. Dr. Kahl expressed her well wishes and gratitude to all the students.

Ms. Ropeti Leo said, “Although the community service projects require a lot of organizing, planning and fundraising, these projects are the most rewarding part of all my classes. Engaging in these projects allow me to see a different side of my students.”

“They are not only realizing that they have the power to make a difference in their community, but they have fun doing it. Sometimes learning doesn’t all take place in the classroom — it takes place in the process of helping others and helping the community.”