Samoa requests parking space at airport for CHOGM


If American Samoa gives the go ahead, aircraft transporting leaders of Commonwealth countries to their summit in Samoa next year will be parked at Pago Pago International Airport.

The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) will have 56 leaders attending from all parts of the world, and the Prime Minister said her government would need help from American Samoa in the way of airport space to park aircraft bringing the leaders to Samoa—as Faleolo Airport cannot accommodate all of them.

She said her government would submit an official written request for the airport space, and Samoa would appreciate other assistance it may need in hosting this major world meeting.

The Commonwealth meeting is to be held in October of next year, and will be the first time CHOGM will be convened in the South Pacific. King Charles is confirmed to attend.

Governor Lemanu Peleti Mauga said the request will be discussed by the American Samoa Government. He also said this would bring economic benefits for the territory as landing and parking fees will generate airport income, and the crew would also be staying at the hotel and patronizing local eateries.

In their closing remarks yesterday, both, the Prime Minister and Governor Lemanu felt that both sides have satisfactorily actioned or made progress towards implementing outcomes of last year’s talks. They said, while Samoa and American Samoa have different forms of government, they are one people—a family sharing the same culture and language.

Which is what makes the Atoa o Samoa talks unique, and unlike any other discussions between two countries.

Governor Lemanu pointed out that in terms of bilateral relations, Samoa does not have to deal with American Samoa but connect directly with the United States. Also, the Prime Minister levels with the US President and not the Governor.

He was thankful to Prime Minister Fiame, for her motherly love for her fellow Samoans in American Samoa.