November 10 – World Diabetes Day
11/10/21 – John Raynar interviews Dr. Fred Uhrle from the VA about World Diabetes Day this Sunday, November 14th. ...Read more
11/10/21 – John Raynar interviews Dr. Fred Uhrle from the VA about World Diabetes Day this Sunday, November 14th. ...Read more
10/28/21 – John Raynar interviews Fatima Langkidle, Christina Lutu Sanchez, and Elinor Lutu-McMoore about the Agency For Better Living Endeavors (ABLE) plans to support this year’s National ...Read more
10/28/21 – John Raynar interviews Hawaiian Airlines’ Tuli Fruean and Milton Taufaasau about critical information for outbound travelers on Monday’s HAL Flight so you don’t get stuck ...Read more
10/28/21 – John Raynar interviews Tisa and Princess about this weekend’s upcoming Tattoo Festival! ...Read more
10/26/21 – John Raynar interviews The 5 Miss American Samoa Contestants vying for this year’s crown ahead of the pageant on Friday November 5th at the Lee Auditorium! ...Read more
10/21/21 – John Raynar interviews Tisa Faamuli about the upcoming Tattoo Festival. ...Read more
10/21/21 – John Raynar interviews Lynette Scanlan about the Lymphatic Filariasis Tablet Outreach. ...Read more
10/21/21 – John Raynar interviews the American Samoa Visitors Bureau’s Director Minnie Tuia, Deputy Vaitoa Hans Langkidle, and Marketing Manager Tamiano Gurr about the latest developments ...Read more
10/21/21 – John Raynar interviews Brooke Gurr of SPA’s PTO talk about the upcoming Halloween Carnival. ...Read more
10/18/21 – John Raynar interviews Musumaula’i Galoia and Lindsey Laupola about Constitution Day. ...Read more