July 8 – Interviews – ASNOC
7/8/21 – John Raynar interviews ASNOC President Ed Imo about athletes participating in the Olympics. ...Read more
7/8/21 – John Raynar interviews ASNOC President Ed Imo about athletes participating in the Olympics. ...Read more
7/2/21 – John Raynar interviews Dr Aifili John Tufa of the DOH and Ella Gurr of the Chamber of commerce about the ongoing raffle of $250,000 cash prizes that will be awarded to people who are ...Read more
6/29/21 – John Raynar interviews Reggie Meredith Fitiao and Mary Anne Bordonaro of the Faa Samoa Arts Intiative ahead of their summer camp. Find out more & register ...Read more
6/22/21 – Monica Miller being recognized on the Samoan Sunrise for 20 years of service! ...Read more
6/21/21 – John Raynar interviews Justin Maga, the Territorial Librarian of the Feleti Barstow Public Library, and Lorena Seu, officer of the BYU Alumni American Samoa Chapter, about the 4th ...Read more
6/4/21 – John Raynar interviews Lions Club President Tofa Tupuola and Board Member Representative Larry Sanitoa about their recent golf tournament. ...Read more
6/2/21 – John Raynar interviews the island’s epidemiologist Dr. Aifili John Tufa about the new availability of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and all things COVID as it relates to American ...Read more
6/2/21 – John Raynar interviews Dr Jueta MCutchan-Toafaeono and Kathryn McCutchan about the 2021 Mental Health Summit at DWYA on Wednesday 6/16 and Thursday 6/17 from 9a-1pm. ...Read more
6/2/21 – John Raynar interviews Coach Will Spitzenberg about the newest SSY Bootcamp. ...Read more
6/1/21 – John Raynar interviews the SOFIAS contestants about the pageant this Saturday night, June 5. ...Read more