March 30 – Interviews – SSY
3/30/2021 – John Raynar interviews Coach Will Spitzenberg of SSY ahead of their next boot camp. ...Read more
3/30/2021 – John Raynar interviews Coach Will Spitzenberg of SSY ahead of their next boot camp. ...Read more
3/30/2021 – John Raynar interviews Pastor David Katina about the Collage of Love Good Friday Service. ...Read more
3/29/2021 – John Raynar interviews Toa from Morris Scanlan Service Station about some of the company’s price increases. ...Read more
3/26/2021 – John Raynar and Sia Atofau interview Mike and Paula McDonald, Sandra Lutu, and Reinette Thompson from South Pacific Watersports about the results from their new nutrition program: ...Read more
3/4/2021 – Interview with American Samoa’s Red Cross, featuring Red Cross Volunteers: Fatima Langkidle- the Disaster Chairperson, and Lipea Uta Sui- Ops Coordinator. We discuss Red Cross ...Read more
3/4/2021 – Interview with Dr. Aifili John Tufa and Dr. Francine Amoa from DOH. They talk about the March 2021 vaccination sites for American Samoa. ...Read more
3/4/2021 – John and Sia had AYF on the air, featuring Coaches Sa Suluai, Jerett Soliai, and Commisioner Vic Avalos, talking about their upcoming AYF championship. ...Read more
Rep. Su’a Alex Jennings and other visited 93KHJ to talk about the upcoming special viewing of a 2013 Swain’s Island documentary. This is their interview with 93KHJ Samoan Sunrise host ...Read more