93KHJ Interviews


Teams from Samoa, Fiji and Hawaii to play in Pago for Flag Day Tournament

Rugby Sponsor GHC Reid’s Latu Kupu and Tau Toluono talk Marist 7s on the show!  ...Read more


VA doing outreach today and Thursday

Clinical Health Psychologist Deliliah Norona talks about how the Pacific Islands Health Care System is working with the VA Office of Health Equity to better integrate Native Hawaiian and Pacific ...Read more


Nautilus Representatives Stop By The Show!

On Wednesday March 13th there will be Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) workshop to identify mission priorities on E/V Nautilus in American Samoa, and sister sanctuary with Palau Pictured with John: ...Read more


Natural Disaster Workshop For Caregivers

Claire Cappelle and Rosalee Shoulders from Pacific Center In Human Security talked with John Raynar about an important training opportunity. The course is called Natural Disaster Awareness for ...Read more


KS Mart’s giving a chance at a Pre-Owned Tuscon for Mother’s Day!

Solip Hong and Vili Oney stop by the show to talk about KS Mart’s new rewards program, K-BUCKS and a chance to win a car from KS Mart!   ...Read more


School Lunch Program comes through on 93KHJ!

It’s National Breakfast week across the US, and to celebrate here in American Samoa Joe Solofa Personnel Manager, Auafa Monroe Nutrition Specialist and Special Project Manager Next Siaki! ...Read more


DOH Talks TB

Coming up on Sun, Mar 24, 2024 is World Tuberculosis Day, Dr Yip, Faith Seuli and Ina Sagaga remind us of the importance of getting screened!     ...Read more


Physician Assistants to Support LBJ Tropical Medical Center

In early 2025, Assumption University has partnered with LBJ Tropical Medical Center to integrate several Physician Assistants into the hospital setting as part of their curriculum. During their ...Read more


Blood Pressure Major Focus of Heart Month Activities

January 13, 2024 – Dr. Eric Carter talks with 93KHJ’s Joey Cummings about the importance of monitoring and controlling blood pressure.   ...Read more


TBAS Launches Omnichannel Contact Center

2/12/24 – 93KHJ’s Joey Cummings talks with President and CEO of Territorial Bank of American Samoa Owen Peery and TBAS Contact Center Specialist Judy Su’e about the bank’s new ...Read more